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Coronavirus | Got the vaccine? Chin gave two corona vaccines to humans for testing

Coronavirus | Got the vaccine? Chin gave two corona vaccines to humans for testing

The whole world is trying to make a vaccine for Corkona virus The deadly virus,
called Novel or COVID19, first appearedin Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
The Chinese government has allowed two coronavirus vaccines to be tested
on humans. China is now desperate to cope with the second wave of corona virus.
Beijing's Synovac Biotech and Wuhan Institute of BI Biological Products have
jointly developed two vaccines. According to Products have jointly developed
two vaccines. According to the Chinese government-controlled Xinhua news
agency, the Chinese government-controlled Xinhua news agency, the National
Health Commission of China has approved twothe National Health Commission
of China has approved two vaccines. This time they are starting a trial on humans.
vaccines. This time they are starting a trial on humans.It is learned that about 500
volunteers have come forward for It is learned that about 500 volunteers have come
forward for the vaccine trial It is known that usually when a vaccine is made,the
vaccine trial It is known that usually when a vaccine is made,it is first tested
on small animals But it is going to be tested it is first tested on small animals
But it is going to be tested directly on people Extremely bold step 7 In that case,
the trial directly on people Extremely bold step 7 In that case, the trial will
be on most of the older people Because morepeople have died of the corona
viruswill be on most of the older people Because morepeople have died of the
corona virus

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